Sep 18, 2024, 11:01 PM
Sep 17, 2024, 11:01 PM

UK workforce decline costs economy £25bn annually since pandemic

  • Since the Covid-19 pandemic, 800,000 people have exited the UK labor market, marking the largest employment drop since the 1980s.
  • This decline has resulted in an annual economic cost of £25 billion and an additional £16 billion in fiscal pressure on public finances.
  • The findings highlight the urgent need for policy interventions to address the shrinking workforce and its implications for the economy.

The UK has experienced a significant decline in its workforce, with 800,000 individuals exiting the labor market since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. This drop represents the largest employment decrease in over four decades, highlighting a critical issue of economic inactivity within the country. The Commission on the Future of Employment Support conducted a two-year analysis, revealing that the employment rate has fallen by 1.5 percentage points, which has profound implications for the economy. The financial impact of this workforce reduction is substantial, costing the UK economy approximately £25 billion annually. This figure underscores the urgent need for policy interventions to address the shrinking labor pool. Additionally, the decline has resulted in an added fiscal pressure of £16 billion on public finances, further complicating the economic landscape. The findings indicate that the UK is facing one of the most severe economic inactivity challenges among developed nations. This situation not only affects economic growth but also poses risks to the sustainability of public services and welfare systems, as fewer workers contribute to the economy and tax revenues. In light of these findings, it is crucial for policymakers to develop strategies aimed at re-engaging those who have left the workforce. Addressing the root causes of this decline, such as health issues, caregiving responsibilities, and skills mismatches, will be essential for revitalizing the labor market and ensuring long-term economic stability.


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