Sep 8, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 8, 2024, 12:00 AM

Way Bus Tickets for Illegal Migrants to Brussels

  • Hungary plans to bus illegal migrants to Brussels if pressured by the EU to accept asylum seekers.
  • The Hungarian government has prevented around one million illegal migrants from entering since 2015, emphasizing its border security efforts.
  • Hungary's strict immigration stance has led to tensions with the EU, which is imposing fines for non-compliance with asylum seeker redistribution.

Hungary has announced plans to transport illegal migrants to Brussels if the European Union pressures the country to accept asylum seekers. This declaration was made by Bence Rétvári, the Hungarian Parliamentary State Secretary, who emphasized that Hungary has been proactive in securing its borders against illegal immigration, notably by constructing a fence along its southern border. Rétvári claimed that Hungary has successfully prevented around one million illegal migrants from entering since 2015, arguing that the EU should recognize and compensate Hungary for its border protection efforts rather than imposing fines. The EU is set to impose significant fines on Hungary for its refusal to participate in a mass redistribution scheme for asylum seekers. Rétvári's comments reflect a broader sentiment among Hungarian officials, including Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who warned that forcing countries to adopt pro-mass migration policies could threaten the stability of the EU. Orbán suggested that countries opposed to the common migration policy should be allowed to opt out, rather than being coerced into compliance. The Hungarian government views its strict immigration policies as essential for maintaining national security and public order. Rétvári's remarks were made in the context of a fleet of buses prepared for transporting migrants, highlighting Hungary's readiness to respond to EU pressures. The mayor of Brussels has expressed concerns that such actions would disrupt the daily lives of residents in the city. This situation underscores the ongoing tensions between Hungary and the EU regarding immigration policy, with Hungary advocating for its sovereignty and border control while facing potential financial penalties from the bloc.


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