Aug 14, 2024, 3:47 AM
Aug 14, 2024, 3:47 AM

Record Number of Migrants in Australia

  • A staggering number of migrants have arrived in Australia since Anthony Albanese became prime minister.
  • The influx of migrants under Albanese's leadership has been revealed
  • The record number of migrants arriving in Australia is a significant development.

Australia's net migration intake from July 2023 to May 2024 reached 445,510, significantly surpassing the Labor government's budget commitment of 395,000. This figure marks a 62 percent increase compared to the previous record set during the Rudd-Gillard administration, which saw 1.04 million migrants. The largest groups of migrants in the last financial year were from India, China, and the Philippines, with notable contributions from Nepal, Colombia, the UK, and others. Critics, including Dr. Kevin You from the Institute of Public Affairs, argue that this surge in migration is exacerbating Australia's housing crisis and inflation. He highlighted that the influx coincides with record-high housing and rental prices, while construction rates remain stagnant at levels not seen since the 1980s. Dr. You criticized Prime Minister Albanese's promise to halve the migration intake to 250,000 for the next financial year, suggesting it lacks credibility. Shadow Immigration Minister Dan Tehan accused the Labor government of pursuing a "Big Australia" policy without a coherent plan to address its consequences. He emphasized the lack of strategies for housing, government services, and environmental impacts, particularly as many Australians face challenges in securing affordable housing and are burdened by rising rents. Despite the government's projections to reduce net overseas migration in the upcoming financial year, concerns persist regarding the immediate effects of the current intake on the Australian populace and infrastructure.


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