Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 PM
Sep 11, 2024, 12:00 PM

EU supports cities in decarbonising heating for energy security

  • Cities are crucial in the energy transition, particularly in decarbonising heating and cooling systems.
  • The EU's support is essential for cities to develop local heating and cooling plans, which can significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
  • By enhancing local renewable energy production and implementing effective policies, cities can improve energy security and protect households from volatile energy prices.

In a letter dated September 11, 2024, Mayor Mohamed Ridouani of Leuven, Belgium, and President of Energy Cities, reached out to the newly appointed European Energy Commissioner. He underscored the significant challenges facing Europe, including the need to enhance industrial competitiveness, lower energy costs, and reduce carbon emissions. The mayor stressed that cities play a pivotal role in addressing these challenges through energy transition initiatives. Ridouani pointed out that expanding renewable energy sources, particularly in district heating, could drastically cut gas demand, thereby reducing reliance on imports. He noted that buildings contribute significantly to CO2 emissions, making it imperative for cities to develop effective heating and cooling plans. The mayor called for the establishment of an EU Heating and Cooling Facility to support local projects. The letter also highlighted the importance of risk mitigation measures at the national and EU levels to ensure successful implementation of local energy plans. By doing so, cities can enhance their resilience and create jobs while protecting households from fluctuating energy prices. In conclusion, Ridouani expressed readiness to collaborate with the EU in implementing the green deal and energy transition, emphasizing the need for comprehensive support to improve the livelihoods of citizens across Europe.


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