Aug 14, 2024, 10:07 PM
Aug 14, 2024, 10:07 PM

NHS Radiographer Confronted by Paedophile Hunters

  • An NHS radiographer believed he was meeting a 12-year-old girl but was confronted by paedophile hunters instead.
  • The meeting was arranged to take place outside Open Academy in Norwich.
  • The incident highlights the importance of vigilante groups in combating online grooming.

A 41-year-old NHS radiographer, Vinod Ramachandran, has been sentenced to two years in prison after attempting to groom a 12-year-old girl. Ramachandran, a father of three, was caught by a group of paedophile hunters who posed as children online. He had arranged to meet the girl outside Open Academy in Norwich, bringing chocolate bars as a lure, after sending her sexualized messages and photos while wearing his NHS uniform. During the court proceedings, it was revealed that Ramachandran had engaged in explicit conversations with the girl on Facebook and WhatsApp, where he expressed a desire to kiss her and requested inappropriate photos. Prosecutor Richard Paterson highlighted that Ramachandran's intentions were clear, as he showed no signs of backing down from his plans to meet the child, even after being warned about the consequences of his actions. Judge Katharine Moore condemned Ramachandran's behavior, stating that he was "committed" to his offenses due to his sexual interest in young girls. Despite his long hours working in the NHS and expressions of remorse, the judge expressed skepticism about his potential for rehabilitation, emphasizing the seriousness of his actions. In his defense, Ramachandran's lawyer, Michael Clare, noted that he had no prior convictions and had been a supportive family man. However, he acknowledged the significant damage caused to Ramachandran's family life and career as a result of his criminal behavior.


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