Aug 20, 2024, 8:00 AM
Aug 20, 2024, 8:00 AM

Warning Issued on All-Inclusive Holidays Amid Local Backlash in Majorca

  • Benidorm remains open to tourists amid anti-tourist protests in Spain.
  • Local 'King of Benidorm' assures Brits are still welcome despite the ongoing protests.
  • The situation in Benidorm may look different due to the protests but tourists are still welcome.

A British expatriate known as the 'King of Benidorm' has raised concerns regarding the rising popularity of all-inclusive holidays among UK tourists, particularly in Majorca, where local residents are advocating for a ban on such packages. The influx of British holidaymakers has reportedly overwhelmed the island, prompting calls for government intervention to address the situation. Nigel, who has resided in Spain for six years, expressed that the proposed ban could benefit local businesses struggling to survive amidst the all-inclusive trend. Nigel highlighted that many tourists opt for all-inclusive deals yet frequently venture outside their hotels, indicating a desire to explore the local culture. He noted that while some businesses in Benidorm fail to thrive, the all-inclusive model may not be the sole reason for this. Despite concerns about potential backlash against British tourists, he believes that the Spanish population does not harbor animosity towards them, countering the stereotype of widespread disdain. The 'King of Benidorm' emphasized that negative behavior is not exclusive to British tourists, as issues arise from visitors of all nationalities. He remains optimistic about Benidorm's reputation, asserting that the destination continues to attract tourists from around the globe. Nigel's perspective sheds light on the complexities of tourism dynamics in Spain, suggesting that a nuanced understanding is necessary to address the challenges faced by local communities.


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