Aug 6, 2024, 5:30 PM
Aug 6, 2024, 5:30 PM

Red Cross Faces Blood Shortage Due to Heat

  • Extreme heat impacted blood drives causing emergency blood shortage for the American Red Cross.
  • Blood shortage crisis affects the ability to provide necessary medical assistance.
  • Community urged to donate blood to help address the critical shortage.

The American Red Cross is grappling with a significant blood shortage, reporting a more than 25% drop in national supply since July 1. The organization attributes this decline to the typical summer slowdown in donations, exacerbated by extreme heat, which led to a shortfall of over 19,000 blood donations in July. As a result, blood is being dispatched to hospitals at a faster rate than it is being collected, raising concerns about the availability of essential blood for medical treatments, including surgeries and childbirth. Dr. Barry Siegfried, medical director of the Red Cross Michigan Region, emphasized the critical need for blood donors, particularly those with type O blood. Type O positive is the most common blood type, while type O negative is crucial for emergency transfusions. The demand for type O blood is especially high for trauma patients requiring immediate care. The Red Cross is calling on all blood types to help replenish hospital supplies and ensure patient care is not compromised. In a related development, Connecticut has declared a statewide blood emergency, with supplies dropping to less than half of the optimal levels needed by hospitals. The Connecticut Blood Center reported only a three-day supply of type O blood, the lowest since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. The center has urged residents to donate type O negative and positive blood to address the critical shortage. To encourage donations, the Red Cross is offering a $20 Amazon gift card to those who donate by August 31. Individuals can find local blood drives or schedule appointments by visiting or calling 1-800-RED-CROSS.


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