Aug 12, 2024, 8:19 PM
Aug 12, 2024, 8:19 PM

Mom's Tips for Kids Safety in Crowds

  • A mom-of-five shares tips to keep kids safe in crowds after losing her daughter at Disney World.
  • The mom, Victoria Marie Lees, hails from Pennsylvania.
  • Her experience at Disney World led her to advocate for child safety in crowded places.

In a recent article for Business Insider, Victoria, a mother of five, recounted a harrowing experience of losing her daughter at Disney World, which prompted her to share valuable safety tips for parents navigating large crowds. During a family vacation, Victoria experienced a moment of panic when she lost sight of her child, a situation that was alleviated when she spotted her daughter thanks to a colorful balloon tied to her backpack. This incident underscored the importance of preparation when visiting crowded venues. Victoria emphasized the effectiveness of using balloons as a visual marker for children in busy environments. She encouraged parents to allow their kids to choose a colorful balloon at the park entrance and attach it to their backpacks. This simple strategy not only helps parents keep track of their children but also adds an element of fun to the outing. In addition to the balloon method, Victoria recommended taking photos of children before entering crowded areas. These images can be shown to park staff or characters if a child goes missing, facilitating a quicker reunion. She also advised parents to teach their children what to do if they become separated, such as looking for a character or heading to a predetermined meeting spot, like a specific restaurant, rather than a crowded landmark. By sharing her personal experience and practical advice, Victoria aims to help other families enjoy their outings with greater peace of mind, ensuring that safety remains a priority during family adventures.


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