Sep 4, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 4, 2024, 12:00 AM

Venezuela"s future: legal paths for democratic change under Maduro

  • The Supreme Court of Justice in Venezuela has been used to create a semblance of legality for electoral fraud.
  • Experts propose a legal incentive scheme to encourage a democratic transition, contingent on concessions from those in power.
  • The international community's focus on human rights violations may lead to negotiations for change in Venezuela.

The political situation in Venezuela has become increasingly dire, with the Supreme Court of Justice being manipulated to lend a facade of legality to electoral fraud. Experts suggest two potential outcomes: a complete dictatorship akin to Nicaragua or a forced negotiation for a democratic transition. The international community's response has shifted, focusing on human rights violations and the need for accountability for those in power. A proposal for a legal incentive scheme aims to encourage a transition by offering concessions in exchange for cooperation from officials. This approach hinges on the credibility of potential criminal proceedings against those involved in human rights abuses, which could motivate a dialogue for change. The situation is further complicated by the geopolitical significance of Venezuela, as regional dynamics and international interests play a crucial role in shaping the future of the country. The need for a coalition among Latin American countries to support a transition is emphasized, as the U.S. prioritizes migration issues over direct intervention in Venezuela's political crisis.


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