Aug 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 11, 2024, 5:34 PM

Will There Be a Ken Movie?

  • Barbie movie writers Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach revealed they created excessive material for the character Ken, portrayed by Ryan Gosling.
  • The overflow of material led to discussions about the potential for a standalone Ken movie.
  • Fans are excited to see how the extra content will be utilized in future Barbie movie projects.

In a recent interview, director Greta Gerwig shared insights into the creative process behind the much-anticipated "Barbie" movie, revealing that the film begins with a meticulously crafted scene in Barbie Land. Gerwig described the initial writing phase, where she penned early pages that introduced a pivotal moment for Barbie, confronting her mortality through an encounter with an elderly woman. This concept resonated with co-writer Noah Baumbach, who recognized the potential for a compelling narrative. Gerwig emphasized the importance of adhering closely to the script during filming, stating that both she and Baumbach prefer to maintain the integrity of their written words without improvisation on set. The duo engaged in extensive readings of the script to ensure it captured the essence of their vision. Notably, they had Ryan Gosling in mind for the role of Ken from the outset, even incorporating his name alongside Ken's lines in the first draft. While the creative team generated numerous ideas for Ken's character, many could not be included in the final version of the script. When asked about the possibility of a standalone Ken movie, Gerwig responded with a hint of intrigue, suggesting that the future remains uncertain but open to exploration. The conversation has sparked excitement among fans, eager to see how the beloved characters will evolve beyond the initial film. The interview, originally published on December 3, 2023, highlights the collaborative spirit and thoughtful approach behind the "Barbie" project, leaving audiences curious about what lies ahead for Ken.


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