Aug 5, 2024, 10:04 PM
Aug 5, 2024, 10:04 PM

US Companies Lead in Patents from European Research Council

  • A new study reveals that US companies are the leading recipients of patents resulting from research funded by the European Research Council (ERC).
  • This finding suggests that Europe struggles to convert its high-quality basic science into marketable innovations.
  • The ERC's internal research corroborates these conclusions, further highlighting a gap in commercializing scientific discoveries within Europe.

A recent study has reinforced the concept of the "European Paradox," revealing a significant gap in Europe’s ability to convert high-quality scientific research into marketable innovations. The findings, published in the journal *Research Policy*, align with internal research conducted by the European Research Council (ERC), which has long noted this trend. The study indicates that while Europe excels in producing excellent basic science, it struggles to leverage this research for practical applications. In contrast, organizations in the United States, particularly private companies, are shown to be more effective in capitalizing on ERC-funded research, thereby reaping greater benefits from these scientific advancements. This ongoing issue raises concerns about the competitiveness of European research in the global market. The ERC's findings suggest that despite substantial investments in research and development, Europe is not translating its scientific achievements into tangible economic growth and innovation as effectively as its American counterparts. As the landscape of research funding continues to evolve, stakeholders are urged to address these disparities to enhance the impact of European research on the economy. The ERC's commitment to improving this situation is crucial for ensuring that Europe can fully harness its scientific potential and foster a more innovative market environment.


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