Sep 4, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 4, 2024, 12:00 AM

Priest leading anti-crime march attacked in Rome

  • Don Antonio Coluccia was attacked during an anti-crime march in Rome's Quarticciolo district.
  • He has faced numerous threats and violence since 2014, including a shooting incident in 2015.
  • Despite the dangers, Coluccia remains committed to fighting for justice and serving his community.

Don Antonio Coluccia, a 49-year-old antimafia priest in Rome, has been a vocal opponent of crime and drug-dealing in his community. On a recent Sunday night, while leading an anti-crime march in the Quarticciolo district, he was violently attacked with planks, bottles, and sticks. This incident is part of a series of threats and assaults he has faced since 2014, highlighting the dangers faced by those who challenge organized crime in Italy. During the attack, a threat was shouted from a window, indicating the serious risks he encounters due to his activism. Coluccia has been under constant protection due to previous threats from criminal organizations, including a shooting incident in 2015 where he was targeted but unharmed. His commitment to social justice is evident in his efforts to convert a confiscated mafia boss's home into a shelter for the poor and drug addicts. This act of defiance against the mafia has made him a target, but he remains undeterred in his mission to serve the community. Luisa Regimenti, a security adviser for the Lazio region, condemned the attack as a “violent mafioso attack” and expressed confidence that Coluccia would continue his work to restore dignity and hope in the neighborhood. The priest's determination to raise awareness about the dire conditions in areas affected by drugs and neglect is a testament to his commitment to justice. The ongoing violence against clergy members in Italy underscores the perilous intersection of faith and activism in regions plagued by organized crime. Coluccia's experience reflects a broader trend where many priests face intimidation and threats for their efforts to combat mafia influence, revealing the significant risks involved in standing up against such powerful criminal entities.


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