Sep 12, 2024, 10:56 AM
Sep 12, 2024, 10:56 AM

Amazon"s shipping emissions rise, missing sustainability targets

  • Amazon's shipping emissions have increased by 75% since 2019, reaching 5.8 million tons of CO2 equivalents.
  • The rise in emissions is largely attributed to the company's expansion during the pandemic and a 67% increase in emissions from Amazon Air.
  • Experts question the effectiveness of Amazon's sustainability efforts, suggesting that the company's practices may not significantly reduce overall emissions.

A recent report highlights the significant rise in Amazon's shipping emissions, revealing a 75% increase since 2019, with total emissions reaching 5.8 million tons of CO2 equivalents. The report attributes this surge primarily to the company's expansion during the pandemic and a 67% increase in emissions from Amazon Air. Despite these alarming figures, Amazon claims that emissions per package have decreased since 2020 due to more efficient logistics, such as loading more parcels onto larger planes. Amazon's spokesperson criticized the report's methodology, asserting that it relies on inaccurate data and assumptions. The company emphasizes its commitment to The Climate Pledge, aiming for net zero carbon emissions by 2040, and encourages other companies to follow suit. Amazon has also made strides in sustainable practices, including the introduction of electric trucks and participation in initiatives promoting sustainable shipping. However, experts express concerns about the broader implications of Amazon's practices, suggesting that bringing air freight in-house could lead to increased overall emissions in the transportation sector. The report's findings raise questions about the effectiveness of Amazon's sustainability efforts and whether they genuinely contribute to reducing emissions or merely shift the burden within the industry. As Amazon continues to expand its operations, the challenge remains to balance growth with environmental responsibility. The company’s future actions will be closely monitored to determine if they can meet their ambitious sustainability targets while addressing the rising emissions associated with their shipping practices.


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