Sep 13, 2024, 6:09 PM
Sep 13, 2024, 6:09 PM

Massachusetts firefighters train at Fenway Park for safety skills

  • Firefighters from various Massachusetts departments are training at Fenway Park to enhance their rescue skills.
  • The training includes simulating high-risk rescues, such as saving individuals from precarious situations.
  • This initiative aims to ensure the safety of concertgoers and baseball fans, reinforcing the importance of preparedness.

A group of firefighters from various departments across Massachusetts gathered at Fenway Park for high ropes technical rescue training. This unique setting allows them to simulate high-risk rescue scenarios, such as saving a trapped window washer or someone stuck in an elevator. The training is particularly relevant given past incidents, including a situation during a Rolling Stones concert where a woman fell from the rafters. The firefighters aim to enhance their skills to ensure the safety of concertgoers and baseball fans alike. The training involves specific tasks, including rescuing individuals from challenging locations, such as halfway down the Green Monster, Fenway Park's iconic left field wall. Drill instructor Robert Cembor emphasized the importance of continuous learning in these specialized skills, noting that the opportunity to train in such a historic venue adds to the experience. Participants expressed their excitement about being able to train in a place they hold dear. Kaitlin O'Brien, a Boston native and firefighter, shared her enthusiasm for the training, highlighting the significance of Fenway Park as a beloved location for many. The firefighters recognize that the skills they are acquiring will not only prepare them for emergencies but also provide reassurance to the public attending events at the park. These training events are organized at least once a month across the state, ensuring that firefighters remain well-prepared for any dangerous situations they may encounter. The collaboration between departments and the use of Fenway Park for training reflects a commitment to public safety and the well-being of the community.


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