Jul 23, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 23, 2024, 12:00 AM

Gen Z Enjoys Returning to the Office

  • Gen Z is excited to return to the office after remote work, sharing their work attire and office experiences online.
  • Social media is flooded with posts about office fashion trends and amenities like free snacks.
  • This shift marks a fascination with traditional office culture among younger generations.

In a notable shift from the remote work trend, Generation Z is increasingly glamorizing office culture, showcasing their enthusiasm through social media platforms. Young professionals are sharing “Get Ready With Me” videos featuring their #OfficeSiren and #CorpCore outfits, while also celebrating perks like free snacks. Julia Quag, a 23-year-old who transitioned from retail to an office job, expressed her excitement about the structured environment, desk decoration, and the regularity of a 9-to-5 schedule. Experts suggest that this newfound appreciation for office life is a natural response for young adults entering the workforce after a prolonged period of isolation due to the pandemic. Career coach Nadia Ibrahim-Taney notes that the thrill of starting new experiences often comes with a mix of nervousness and joy, and she encourages Gen Z to embrace their romanticized view of office life. This generation, having grown up in a digital world, tends to idealize various aspects of their lives, from fitness trends to meal choices, and now, their work environments. However, the excitement may be short-lived, as Quag herself has already left her office position to pursue a career as a full-time content creator. She reflected on her experience, stating that the uniform policy was a significant factor in her decision to move on. This trend highlights the evolving nature of work preferences among younger generations, who are seeking fulfillment and personal expression in their careers.


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