Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM

Next President"s Education Innovation Agenda for 2024

  • The next President should prioritize innovation in education, as current candidates lack detailed education agendas.
  • Significant influence can be exerted through federal budget allocations and leadership appointments, particularly in education R&D.
  • Robust investments in education R&D are essential for developing new tools and approaches, making innovation a crucial aspect of the education agenda.

The next President of the United States is urged to prioritize innovation in education, as neither presidential candidate has detailed their education agendas. The President can significantly influence education policy through federal budget allocations, leadership appointments, and agency priorities. A focus on increasing investments in education research and development (R&D) is essential, particularly at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES). The new administration should build on the Biden-Harris era's initiatives, particularly the Accelerate, Transform, and Scale Initiative, which requires a leader who recognizes its importance in the education R&D ecosystem. To effectively implement an innovation agenda, the President must assemble a capable leadership team and present a budget request to Congress that reflects their investment priorities. The proposed budget should aim for at least $900 million for IES, with $75 million dedicated to the ATS Initiative, alongside $1.5 billion for NSF's STEM education directorate and $500 million for the Education Department's EIR program. These investments are crucial for developing new, evidence-based educational tools and approaches. Despite the lack of emphasis on innovation in current candidates' education platforms, it is vital for the next President to recognize its potential for meaningful improvements in public schools. Education R&D is a cross-cutting priority that can enhance various educational initiatives. By making innovation a central aspect of their education agenda, the next President can create a flourishing ecosystem that benefits students across the nation. In summary, the next administration has a unique opportunity to reshape education through strategic investments in R&D. By prioritizing innovation and collaboration among federal agencies, the President can lay the groundwork for a more effective and responsive education system that meets the needs of all students.


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