Aug 21, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 21, 2024, 12:00 AM

Biden's Farewell Speech Draws Criticism for Timing and Content

  • Joe Biden's farewell speech at the DNC was described as angry and divisive.
  • The speech took place past Joe Biden's bedtime, adding insult to injury.
  • The event marked Joe's departure from the political stage.

In a farewell address that many are calling divisive and out of touch, President Joe Biden delivered his final speech at the Democratic National Committee event late Monday night. The timing of the speech, scheduled for 11:25 PM ET, has been criticized as inconsiderate, given Biden's age and typical schedule. Commentator Tomi Lahren expressed sympathy for the President, noting that the late hour seemed to reflect a lack of respect from his party. However, Lahren's sympathy quickly turned to criticism as she described Biden's speech as filled with repetitive and misleading statements. She highlighted his references to the January 6th Capitol riots, which she argued were inappropriate given the context of pro-Hamas protests occurring outside the venue. Lahren also took issue with Biden's comments regarding Charlottesville, accusing him of misrepresenting former President Trump's remarks on the incident. Throughout the speech, Biden's delivery was characterized as aggressive, with Lahren labeling it as "Dark Brandon" style. She suggested that the Democrats' decision to place him on stage at such a late hour was a strategic move to minimize the impact of his address, which she believes detracted from the party's overall message and campaign efforts. In conclusion, Lahren asserted that Biden's legacy is likely to be viewed unfavorably, suggesting that his farewell speech will not be remembered positively in the annals of history.


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