Sep 5, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 5, 2024, 12:00 AM

YouTube develops AI tools for music and face detection

  • YouTube is developing AI detection tools to protect creators from unauthorized use of their likenesses.
  • The existing Content ID system will be expanded to include technology for identifying AI-generated singing and simulated faces.
  • The initiative aims to address creators' concerns about unauthorized content use and ensure proper compensation for their work.

YouTube has announced the development of new AI detection tools aimed at protecting creators from unauthorized use of their likenesses, including their faces and voices, in videos. This initiative includes an expansion of the existing Content ID system, which will now incorporate technology to identify AI-generated singing that mimics artists' voices. Additionally, YouTube is working on technologies to detect when someone's face is simulated by AI, addressing concerns raised by creators regarding the unauthorized use of their content for AI training by various companies. The platform is also in the early stages of formulating a solution to prevent the exploitation of creators' content for AI model training without consent or compensation. This issue has been a significant concern for creators, who have expressed frustration over companies like Apple and OpenAI using their material without proper acknowledgment. YouTube has not yet disclosed specific plans for protecting creators or generating revenue from AI training but has indicated that more information will be shared later this year. In a previous commitment, YouTube began collaborating with Universal Music Group to develop a compensation model for artists whose works are utilized in AI music creation. The company is nearing a pilot phase for the expanded Content ID system, which aims to identify rightsholders for AI music usage. Testing of the synthetic-singing identification technology is set to begin early next year with partners. Furthermore, YouTube is developing a system that will allow high-profile individuals to manage AI-generated content featuring their likenesses, which could help prevent misleading representations and misinformation. The company emphasizes its commitment to enhancing human creativity through AI while ensuring that creators' rights are protected.


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