Aug 17, 2024, 4:50 AM
Aug 17, 2024, 4:50 AM

California Lawmakers Cut Hundreds of Bills Due to Budget Issues

  • Facing a budget deficit, California lawmakers scrap 275 out of 830 bills in fiscal committees.
  • The elimination of bills is done in so-called suspense files to address budget issues.
  • The decision reflects the state's financial challenges and the need for budget adjustments.

In a significant move during the suspense file hearings on August 15, California's Senate and Assembly appropriations committees set aside 275 bills due to their substantial fiscal impacts. The Assembly committee reviewed 315 bills, ultimately holding 95, while the Senate considered 515 bills, with 180 being sidelined. This process, often referred to as where bills go to die in silence, resulted in approximately one-third of the proposals being halted, mirroring the 32 percent held in May and exceeding the historical average by 8 percent. Buffy Wicks, chair of the Assembly’s Appropriations Committee, attributed the decision to the state's ongoing fiscal challenges. "We’re still dealing with a pretty constrained budget environment that we have here in California," she stated, emphasizing the need for judicious decision-making in the current economic climate. Among the bills that faced rejection was the SAFE Act, aimed at safeguarding communities from sexually violent predators. Despite repeated attempts by its sponsor, Jones, to pass similar legislation, none have succeeded in the Legislature. He expressed disappointment, highlighting the bill's intent to deliver justice and support to vulnerable populations. Conversely, Alvarado-Gil celebrated the passage of a bill aimed at closing legal loopholes for rape victims, asserting that no act of sexual violence should be deemed less serious than another. With only two weeks remaining in the legislative session, the fate of the 555 bills that advanced through the fiscal committees now hangs in the balance as they await further consideration.


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