Aug 17, 2024, 10:20 AM
Aug 17, 2024, 10:20 AM

Student Unable to Submit Essay Due to Vodafone Outage

  • Biomedical science student Esme Swift faced a panic attack when a Vodafone outage prevented her from submitting her 2,000 word essay.
  • The student's hopes of achieving a first-class degree were shattered due to the technical issue.
  • The Vodafone outage caused distress and hindered academic success for the student.

Biomedical science student Esme Swift faced a significant setback when a Vodafone outage prevented her from submitting her final 2,000-word essay on time. With her hopes set on graduating with a first-class degree, Esme's computer failed to connect to the cloud, leaving her unable to meet the deadline. In a desperate attempt to salvage her academic future, she contacted her university and arranged a meeting with faculty members to explain her situation. Despite her efforts, the university informed Esme that they could not extend the exam deadline and that her case would be forwarded to the appeals board in September. To support her appeal, she was required to obtain a letter from Vodafone confirming the outage in her area. The realization that she would not graduate alongside her mother, who had also pursued a degree, left Esme devastated. "It was the only thing I was looking forward to," she expressed, recounting her emotional response to the news. Esme's mother, who had previously earned her degree, had planned to attend the graduation ceremony with her daughter. The two had shared a passion for science, and Esme had been eagerly anticipating this milestone. Tragically, Esme lost her mother a decade ago, making the missed graduation even more poignant. She lamented the situation, stating, "There is nothing we can do to change the policy, but we can't be the only ones that this will happen to."


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