Aug 26, 2024, 6:38 PM
Aug 26, 2024, 6:38 PM

Venezuelan Official Critiques Maduro’s Reelection for Lack of Transparency

  • Juan Carlos Delpino, a member of Venezuela's National Electoral Council, criticized the presidential election for its lack of transparency.
  • Evidence from the opposition suggested that Edmundo González won the election, contrary to the official results declaring Maduro the victor.
  • The situation has led to protests, international condemnation, and increased political tension in Venezuela.

In July 2023, a member of Venezuela's National Electoral Council, Juan Carlos Delpino, publicly criticized the presidential election process that declared Nicolás Maduro the winner. He highlighted significant irregularities, including slow reporting from automated voting machines and the expulsion of opposition observers, which he attributed to alleged hacking of the election software. Despite these claims, Maduro's government maintained that he won by over a million votes, resisting calls for transparency from both domestic and international entities. The opposition, led by Edmundo González, claimed to have evidence showing he won 73% of the votes, a stark contrast to the official results. Following the election, protests erupted, leading to clashes with police and the National Guard. The situation escalated as security forces detained over 2,000 demonstrators and activists, further intensifying the political crisis in the country. Internationally, the G7 foreign ministers expressed serious concerns regarding the election's integrity, echoing Delpino's sentiments about the lack of transparency. The Venezuelan government faced mounting pressure from the United States, the European Union, and former allies in Latin America to release the final voting tallies, which they have so far refused to do. As the political landscape in Venezuela remains volatile, opposition leaders like González and María Corina Machado have gone into hiding, fearing for their safety. The loyalty of the military to Maduro, as stated by Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino, underscores the regime's grip on power amidst widespread dissent and calls for reform.


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