Aug 13, 2024, 10:24 PM
Aug 13, 2024, 10:24 PM

Sacramento Reduces Speed Limits for Safety

  • Over a dozen Sacramento streets will see speed limit reductions to enhance safety.
  • City leaders take action to address the rising number of deadly car crashes.
  • The move aims to make streets safer and prevent accidents.

Sacramento city officials are responding to a troubling increase in deadly car accidents by implementing measures aimed at enhancing street safety. The tragic death of Lupe Jimenez Brown, who was struck by a vehicle outside her daughter's school in January 2022, has galvanized community members like Isaac Gonzalez to advocate for change. Gonzalez founded the group Slow Down Sacramento, emphasizing that many traffic crashes are preventable and attributing a significant portion of fatalities to speeding. Recent statistics have placed Sacramento as the 20th most dangerous city in the U.S. for traffic safety, with a third of car crash fatalities linked to excessive speed. In light of these alarming figures, the city council has approved a reduction of the speed limit by five miles per hour on 14 streets, including the area where Brown lost her life. Local residents have expressed concerns about the prevalence of speeding, with some drivers reportedly exceeding the limit by significant margins. Experts argue that lowering speed limits can have a substantial impact on survival rates in the event of an accident. Gonzalez noted that at 25 miles per hour, the likelihood of survival is 95%, while at 35 mph, that chance drops to 50%. However, some community members believe that simply lowering the speed limit is insufficient without increased police enforcement to address ongoing violations. The city has confirmed that funding is available for the installation of new speed limit signs, which are expected to be erected soon as part of the initiative to enhance road safety.


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