Jul 29, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 29, 2024, 12:00 AM

Federal Judge Halts Florida's Race Training Restrictions

  • A federal judge has issued a permanent block on Florida's controversial restrictions regarding race-related training in workplaces.
  • This ruling specifically targets measures established by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis under the 'Stop WOKE Act.'
  • The decision is expected to impact how race issues are handled in workplace educational programs and reflects ongoing legal challenges against the state's policies.

A federal judge has issued a permanent injunction against Florida's "Stop WOKE Act," which imposed restrictions on race-related workplace training. Chief US District Judge Mark Walker ruled that the law, part of Governor Ron DeSantis's broader campaign against "woke ideology," violates free speech rights under the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the US Constitution. The act aimed to prevent teachings that suggest individuals are privileged or oppressed based on race, color, sex, or national origin. Judge Walker had previously issued a preliminary injunction in August 2022, stating that the law discriminated based on viewpoint and was overly vague. His recent ruling follows a federal appeals court decision in March that upheld the injunction, affirming that the law infringed on employers' free speech rights. The challenge was initiated by several Florida businesses, represented by the nonpartisan group Protect Democracy. Governor DeSantis has defended the "Stop WOKE Act," framing it as a necessary measure against what he describes as indoctrination. He has frequently referenced the law during his presidential campaign, promoting Florida as a state where "woke goes to die." The term "woke" has become a contentious issue in American politics, symbolizing differing views on social justice and historical awareness. While DeSantis did not contest the motion to make the injunction permanent, he reiterated Florida's commitment to protecting employees from what he terms "woke training." He emphasized that companies have the freedom to express their views, but employees should have the right to opt out of training they find discriminatory.


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