Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

Van Jones discusses Democratic Party changes since 2020

  • Van Jones discussed the Democratic Party's shift in ideas since 2020 during a CNN broadcast.
  • He emphasized the significance of fracking for U.S. energy independence and geopolitical strategy against Russia.
  • Jones concluded that the party's evolution reflects a necessary adaptation to current energy and international challenges.

On a recent episode of CNN NewsNight, Van Jones, a CNN Senior Political Commentator and former adviser to President Obama, discussed the evolution of the Democratic Party since 2020. He highlighted that the party had previously embraced several ineffective ideas, particularly regarding energy policies. Jones emphasized the importance of fracking, arguing that it has become a crucial geopolitical asset for the U.S. in its stance against Russia, especially in light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He pointed out that the U.S. has emerged as the largest exporter of natural gas, largely due to fracking in Pennsylvania, which has helped maintain European support against Putin's threats. Jones also addressed the criticism directed at Vice President Kamala Harris for her changing stance on fracking, suggesting that the entire party has shifted its views since 2020. He noted that many in the party, including himself, had initially believed that achieving clean energy goals could be done without fossil fuels, a notion that has since been proven unrealistic. This collective realization has led to a reevaluation of energy strategies within the party. Furthermore, Jones compared Harris's changes in perspective to the frequent flip-flopping of political figures like Donald Trump, asserting that such shifts are not uncommon in politics. He concluded that the Democratic Party's transformation reflects a broader understanding of the complexities of energy policy and international relations, moving away from previously held beliefs that no longer serve the party's or the nation's interests.


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