Sep 5, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 5, 2024, 12:00 AM

Hacker hunts serial killer evidence during trial in 2024

  • Ludovic Chevalier is charged with the brutal murders of three teenagers, which were streamed online.
  • Kelly-Anne, a character in the film, arrives at the courthouse early, raising questions about her intentions.
  • The film is praised for its originality and is set to open on September 6th, 2024.

In 2024, a gripping thriller directed by Canadian filmmaker Pascal Plante unfolds as a hacker becomes obsessed with uncovering evidence against a serial killer, Ludovic Chevalier, who is accused of murdering three teenagers. The murders were reportedly broadcasted through a 'red room' on the dark web, adding a chilling layer to the case. As the trial progresses, a character named Kelly-Anne arrives early at the courthouse, raising questions about her motivations—whether she is a supporter of the accused or has ulterior motives. The film, titled 'Red Rooms,' is set to premiere on approximately forty screens across the nation on September 6th. Critics have praised the narrative for its originality, noting that it avoids common storytelling pitfalls and clichés that often plague thrillers. The film's strength lies in its ability to create tension and intrigue without relying on predictable plot devices. Juliette Gariepy's performance as Kelly-Anne has been highlighted as a standout, contributing to the film's overall impact. The narrative is crafted in a way that keeps viewers engaged, allowing them to piece together the mystery without feeling manipulated by the plot. The film's aesthetic choices, from production design to cinematography, play a crucial role in enhancing the storytelling experience. Overall, 'Red Rooms' promises to be a thought-provoking thriller that challenges viewers to consider the complexities of crime, obsession, and the nature of justice, making it a must-see film of 2024.


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