Aug 14, 2024, 8:42 AM
Aug 14, 2024, 8:42 AM

Herrera Beutler Leads in Washington Lands Commissioner Race

  • Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler is leading in the race for Washington state's public lands commissioner
  • Herrera Beutler has secured the top spot with just under 22% of the vote total
  • The race remains too close to call for the second-place finisher

In the ongoing race for Washington state's public lands commissioner, Republican Jaime Herrera Beutler has secured a leading position with nearly 22% of the vote. The contest for the second-place finisher remains uncertain, with Democratic candidate Dave Upthegrove currently holding a narrow lead over Republican Sue Kuehl Pederson by more than 5,700 votes. However, with thousands of ballots still to be counted, including 5,800 from Thurston County, the final outcome is yet to be determined. Herrera Beutler expressed confidence in her position as the top vote-getter but acknowledged that it may take a couple of days to confirm her challenger. She emphasized that her campaign message will remain focused on the responsible management of public lands. If Upthegrove emerges as her opponent, she believes their differing approaches will highlight a significant contrast in priorities for the office. Upthegrove has indicated a desire to set aside large areas of land, a stance Herrera Beutler opposes, citing the urgent need to maintain healthy and thriving public lands amid current environmental challenges. She argues that now is not the time for such measures, given the pressing issues facing the state's ecosystems. In response to criticisms regarding her plans, Herrera Beutler contended that accusations against her are unfounded. She criticized the influence of extreme special interest groups, claiming they have shifted the agency's focus from scientific management to emotional appeals over the past decade.


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