Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

Gabriel Attal visits Ukraine to explore family roots and heritage

  • Gabriel Attal visited Ukraine on September 13, 2023, for a political and personal trip.
  • He explored family heritage linked to a noble lineage from the Black Sea and visited properties abandoned during the Russian Revolution.
  • The visit highlights the significance of historical ties and cultural connections between France and Ukraine amidst ongoing geopolitical challenges.

Gabriel Attal, the former French Prime Minister, visited Ukraine on September 13, marking his first trip since leaving office. His visit was both political and personal, as he sought to explore his family heritage linked to a noble lineage from the Black Sea region. Attal's mother, Marie de Couriss, accompanied him to Odesa to investigate family properties that were abandoned during the Russian Revolution. This journey coincided with his participation in the Yes Forum, a diplomatic gathering for Western liberals. During his visit, Attal met with Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and possibly President Volodymyr Zelensky, highlighting the importance of Ukraine in international affairs, especially in light of the ongoing conflict with Russia. The trip was significant for Attal, who had not previously visited Ukraine during his tenure as Prime Minister, as it symbolized a newfound freedom in his political role. The visit included a stop at a family property in Kurisove, where preparations were made to welcome him. The estate, once confiscated by the Bolsheviks, has historical significance tied to Attal's ancestor, Ivan Onufrievitch de Kourisse, who was a decorated Cossack officer. The property has undergone restoration efforts, reflecting the local community's enthusiasm for Attal's return to his roots. This exploration of heritage not only serves as a personal journey for Attal and his mother but also reinforces the cultural ties between France and Ukraine. The visit underscores the importance of historical connections in contemporary political contexts, especially as Ukraine continues to navigate its challenges on the global stage.


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