Jul 25, 2024, 12:43 PM
Jul 25, 2024, 12:43 PM

Polish Divers Discover 19th Century Shipwreck in Baltic Sea

  • Polish divers have located a shipwreck from the 19th century in the Baltic Sea, off the coast of Sweden.
  • The wreck contains intriguing artifacts including baskets of mineral water and champagne bottles.
  • This discovery provides valuable insights into maritime history and trade practices of that era.

A team of Polish divers has made a remarkable discovery in the Baltic Sea, uncovering a 19th-century shipwreck laden with historical cargo approximately 20 nautical miles off the Swedish coast. The Baltictech Team, led by experienced diver Tomasz Stachura, found an impressive array of artifacts, including crates of Champagne, baskets of mineral water, and porcelain items. Stachura expressed his excitement, noting that this is the first time in his 40 years of diving that he has encountered a wreck with such a significant amount of cargo. Following the expedition, researchers were able to delve into the ship's history by examining the recovered artifacts. Underwater videographer Marek Cacaj highlighted the discovery of a clay bottle stamped with the brand name of the German company Selters, which is still in operation today. The logo found on the bottle was consistent with designs from the 19th century, providing valuable insights into the vessel's timeline, which the divers estimate capsized in the latter half of that century. The Baltic Sea, formed 10,000-15,000 years ago as glaciers retreated, is bordered by several Northern European countries. The press release noted that Selters water was highly esteemed in the 19th century, often served at royal tables and regarded for its medicinal properties. The divers reported locating around 100 bottles of Champagne, although extracting these treasures will be a lengthy process due to administrative restrictions. The Baltictech group has previously discovered numerous wrecks in the region, further contributing to the area's rich maritime history.


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