Aug 9, 2024, 4:00 PM
Aug 9, 2024, 4:00 PM

Palestinians and Israelis Stand Together Against Violence

  • In the West Bank, Palestinian shepherds and Israeli activists are coming together to combat violence from settlers.
  • This unprecedented collaboration highlights the potential for unity in the face of adversity.
  • Their joint efforts aim to protect the rights and safety of the communities affected.

In the West Bank, tensions are rising as Palestinian shepherd Ahmad Daraghme faces increasing violence from Israeli settlers. A gathering at Ahmad's home included Israeli activists, foreign journalists, and a 71-year-old Jewish man, Gil Alexander, who regularly accompanies Ahmad despite the risks. The settlers' actions are perceived by Palestinians as an attempt to drive them off their land, with incidents of harassment becoming more frequent. Gil Alexander, a self-identified Zionist, emphasizes the importance of Israeli territory ending at the 1967 borders and believes that any settlements in the West Bank should require Palestinian consent. His commitment to supporting Ahmad highlights a growing divide within Israeli society regarding the occupation and settlement policies. Alexander's experiences, including a recent incident where he collapsed while trying to protect a Palestinian flock, illustrate the dangers faced by those opposing settler violence. The Israeli Knesset recently voted overwhelmingly against the establishment of a Palestinian state in the West Bank, citing concerns over national security and regional stability. This decision reflects the prevailing sentiment among many Israeli lawmakers that the settlements are crucial for connecting to their heritage, despite the violence associated with them. Amidst the turmoil, Alexander remains hopeful for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, asserting that there is no military solution. As Ahmad gathers his sheep and goats for the night, the presence of supportive activists like Alexander offers a glimmer of hope in a deeply divided region.


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