Sep 18, 2024, 4:06 PM
Sep 18, 2024, 4:06 PM

Philadelphia teen charged in plot against Pride parade

  • Muhyyee-Ud-Din Abdul-Rahman, an 18-year-old from Philadelphia, was charged in a terrorism investigation for planning to target the Pride Parade and other events.
  • He was found to have been collecting materials to make explosives and had conducted tests in his backyard.
  • Abdul-Rahman is in custody with a $5 million bond, facing multiple serious charges related to his intentions.

A Philadelphia teenager, Muhyyee-Ud-Din Abdul-Rahman, has been charged in a terrorism investigation linked to his plans to target events in the city, including the Pride Parade. The 18-year-old was found to have been communicating with terrorist organizations in Syria and was allegedly preparing to create explosives at his home. Investigators discovered that he had conducted multiple tests of bomb-making materials in his backyard and nearby woods. Abdul-Rahman had aspirations to join terrorist groups in Syria, specifically Katibat al Tawhid wal Jihad and Hay'at Tahrir al Sham, both of which are recognized as global terrorist organizations by the U.S. State Department. His online searches indicated a focus on potential targets, including military bases and local power plants, alongside the Pride March. Evidence of his hatred for the LGBTQ+ community was also uncovered during the investigation. The investigation began after police intercepted electronic communications that raised concerns about Abdul-Rahman's intentions. Following a search of his West Philadelphia home, authorities found bomb-making materials and evidence of his plans to leave the U.S. for Syria. Despite having a scholarship to attend college as a wrestler, he expressed a desire to abandon that path in favor of becoming a bomb maker. Abdul-Rahman faces multiple charges, including attempts to commit weapons of mass destruction and arson. He is currently in custody with a bond set at $5 million, highlighting the serious nature of the threats he posed to public safety and the community.


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