Aug 2, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 2, 2024, 12:00 AM

Shark Tours Become Popular in Cape Cod

  • Great white shark tours have become popular around Cape Cod.
  • More of the largest predator fish are showing up in the area.
  • Tourists are increasingly interested in experiencing shark tours in Cape Cod.

Cape Cod is witnessing a surge in white shark tourism, attributed to the remarkable resurgence of these apex predators in the region. Kris Roszack, owner of Down Cape Charters in Harwich, notes that white sharks have become more predictable than the local weather, with a success rate for spotting them exceeding 90% under favorable conditions. However, the tours face legal restrictions against luring sharks, relying instead on spotter planes to locate them. Historically, white shark populations in Cape Cod plummeted due to extensive culling of seals, their primary food source, as fishermen viewed seals as nuisances. This led to state-sponsored bounties for seal hunting. The tide began to turn with the implementation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972, which allowed seal populations to recover significantly. As a result, the number of white sharks has also increased, creating a new dynamic in the local ecosystem. Captain Nick Franco, who leads shark tours in the area, emphasizes the importance of responsible tourism practices. Tour operators aim to provide educational experiences rather than mere boat rides, fostering a deeper understanding of these magnificent creatures. The growing interest in shark tourism not only highlights the ecological recovery of the region but also presents economic opportunities for local businesses. As shark tourism continues to flourish, Cape Cod is becoming a prime destination for enthusiasts eager to witness white sharks in their natural habitat, marking a significant shift in the relationship between humans and these formidable marine animals.


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