Aug 22, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 22, 2024, 12:00 AM

Modi’s Politics Hinder Neighborhood Ties

  • Recent events in Bangladesh showcased the negative impact of India's Hindu nationalist project.
  • India's regional interests have been hindered by the actions of the Hindu nationalist project led by Modi.
  • The relationship between India and its neighboring countries, like Bangladesh, has been strained due to recent political developments.

In a surprising turn of events, the resignation of Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has sent shockwaves through the Indian political and security establishment. Despite her unpopularity, Hasina's departure has prompted a moment of reflection for the Indian government, which has struggled to recalibrate its approach to South Asia. Critics argue that the Modi administration's focus on a de facto Hindu Rashtra has not only tarnished India's image in Bangladesh but has also jeopardized regional stability. India's unwavering support for Hasina, despite her controversial election victories, was rooted in concerns over national security. Indian officials feared that her ousting could lead to a rise in Islamist extremism in Bangladesh, posing a direct threat to India. However, this strategy has backfired, as India's over-securitized diplomatic approach has alienated many in the region, undermining the historical and cultural ties that once defined its relationships with neighboring countries. Modi's strongman image has further complicated India's regional diplomacy, particularly in light of China's growing influence along the disputed border. While Modi remains silent on these critical issues, smaller neighboring countries are increasingly feeling the impact of his policies. The controversial Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) has also drawn criticism for its perceived targeting of Muslim communities, raising questions about India's commitment to secularism. As India is perceived as a rising power on the global stage, it faces the challenge of redefining its relationships with its neighbors. The onus is now on New Delhi to establish new terms of engagement that prioritize cooperation and mutual respect, rather than security-driven policies that have proven ineffective.


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