Sep 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 10, 2024, 12:00 AM

Waterloo 1815: Excavation Reveals Severed Limbs and Horse Skeletons

  • Excavators have uncovered 15 severed limbs and seven horse skeletons at the Mont-Saint-Jean farm, a site linked to the 1815 Battle of Waterloo.
  • The findings indicate a purposefully dug pit likely used to dispose of remains after the battle, revealing the harsh realities of wartime.
  • The ongoing excavations aim to provide a more balanced historical account of the battle, highlighting the experiences of all involved.

An excavation at Mont-Saint-Jean farm in Belgium, the site of the 1815 Battle of Waterloo, has revealed the grim aftermath of the conflict. Conducted by military veterans and archaeologists, the dig uncovered 15 severed limbs, seven horse skeletons, and one and a half cow remains, alongside previously discovered human and horse skeletons. This site served as a field hospital for the Duke of Wellington's forces during the battle, which resulted in the deaths of at least 20,000 men and many horses. The excavation is part of the Waterloo Uncovered project, which aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the battle, moving beyond the traditional British-centric narratives. The findings suggest that the site was used to quickly dispose of the bodies and remains after the battle, highlighting the brutal realities faced by both soldiers and animals. Tony Pollard, a historian involved in the project, noted that similar burial pits have been found on other Napoleonic battlefields, but the current findings offer a unique snapshot of the immediate aftermath of the battle. The project also sheds light on the intensity of fighting at the Hougoumont farmhouse, where a fierce struggle occurred, contradicting long-held beliefs about the French forces' inability to breach the area. The ongoing excavations not only reveal the physical remnants of the battle but also evoke emotional responses from participants, including veterans who relate their experiences to the suffering of animals during wartime. This work contributes to a deeper understanding of the human and animal cost of war, emphasizing the need for a balanced historical perspective.


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