Aug 18, 2024, 7:00 AM
Aug 18, 2024, 7:00 AM

Party Planes to Ibiza Cause Trouble for Families

  • Flights to Ibiza have turned into 'party planes' causing disturbances on board.
  • Boozed up passengers singing and dancing in the aisles make it miserable for travelling families and crew.
  • The reputation of Ibiza flights has become notorious for these disruptive behaviors.

Recent reports indicate that cabin crew members are increasingly apprehensive about flights to Ibiza, with some admitting to dreading these assignments. Social media has been flooded with videos showcasing the chaotic atmosphere on these flights, including one TikTok clip that humorously captures the challenges faced by cabin crew. The caption, "Ibiza flights can't be done any other way," highlights the party-like environment that has become synonymous with these journeys. One easyJet cabin crew member expressed their dismay at seeing Ibiza on their flight list, describing it as inconsiderate to other passengers. The trend of rowdy behavior has been further illustrated by a viral video featuring a saxophonist entertaining passengers, which garnered over 216,000 likes. Viewers commented on the overwhelming noise and chaos, with one noting that the crew still attempts to sell scratch cards amidst the revelry. Earlier this year, a Jet2 flight was described as a "boozy party" after a group of rowdy passengers transformed the cabin into a lively scene. A flight attendant referred to the situation as a "fun bus," as young travelers crowded the aisles with drinks, creating a festive yet disruptive atmosphere. This growing trend of unruly behavior on flights to Ibiza raises concerns about passenger safety and the challenges faced by airline staff. As the party culture continues to thrive on these routes, the airline industry may need to address the implications for both crew and passengers to ensure a more pleasant flying experience.


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