Aug 26, 2024, 11:52 PM
Aug 26, 2024, 11:52 PM

EU Islands Commission supports Canary Islands" sustainable tourism strategy

  • The Canary Islands have developed a strategy for sustainable tourism, supported by the EU Islands Commission.
  • Regions can submit amendments to the proposal until September 13, with a final version to be debated in October.
  • The initiative aims to create a collaborative framework for sustainable tourism development across European islands.

The Canary Islands have proposed a strategy for sustainable tourism development, which has garnered support from the EU Islands Commission. This initiative aims to activate and finance measures that promote sustainable tourism across European islands. The proposal, titled 'A New Vision for Sustainable Tourism in the Islands,' is currently open for amendments from various regions until September 13, with a final version expected to be debated at the Conference of Regions summit in Gozo, Malta, on October 3. The strategy emphasizes the need for a collaborative approach between the European Commission, member states, and island territories to create tailored sustainable tourism plans. It addresses critical aspects such as land planning, resource management, housing, transport policies, environmental conservation, and energy production. The document is set to be submitted to the European Commission and Parliament following its approval by the Commission of Islands. The initiative originated from discussions at the CPMR plenary session in the Azores last April, where the regional government committed to drafting a proposal for sustainable tourism. The President of the Canary Islands Government, Fernando Clavijo, has since secured backing from key figures within the CPMR, reinforcing the importance of this strategy for island territories. Additionally, the Canary Islands will host the annual summit of the EU’s island and remote territories in Lanzarote in March next year, further highlighting their commitment to sustainable tourism and collaboration among European islands. This summit will provide a platform for discussing the future of tourism in these regions, emphasizing the need for sustainable practices.


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