Sep 16, 2024, 3:59 AM
Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM

River otter attacks mother and child at Bremerton marina

  • A mother and her child were attacked by a river otter at a marina in Bremerton, Washington.
  • The child was briefly dragged underwater, sustaining minor injuries, while the mother was also bitten.
  • Wildlife officials are taking measures to trap and remove river otters from the area to prevent future attacks.

On Thursday morning, a mother and her young child experienced a rare attack by a river otter while walking on a dock at a marina in Bremerton, Washington. The incident occurred at a location on the Puget Sound, which is known for its wildlife. During the attack, the otter pulled the child into the water, dragging them underwater briefly before the child resurfaced. The mother managed to rescue her child as the otter continued its aggressive behavior. The child sustained multiple injuries, including scratches and bites on the head, face, and legs, while the mother was bitten on the arm. Fortunately, the child was treated for minor injuries at a local hospital, and both individuals were able to leave the scene. Wildlife officials expressed gratitude for the mother's quick response, which likely prevented more serious injuries. In response to the attack, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) took immediate action by contacting the U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services to address the situation. They aimed to trap and lethally remove river otters from the marina area to prevent future incidents. One otter was captured and sent for evaluation, including rabies testing, to ensure public safety. River otters are commonly found in various habitats throughout Washington, and while encounters with them are infrequent, they can exhibit territorial behavior. This incident marks one of only six documented human-river otter interactions in the state over the past decade, highlighting the unpredictability of wildlife encounters.


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