Sep 10, 2024, 5:05 PM
Sep 10, 2024, 5:05 PM

Pamplona bans new tourist flats to tackle overtourism

  • Pamplona's local government has decided to stop granting licenses for new tourist rental apartments in the historic center.
  • This decision follows public protests demanding action against the saturation of tourist flats in the area.
  • The regulation aims to protect the residential character of the neighborhood and promote sustainable tourism.

Pamplona, a city in northern Spain known for its San Fermín festival and the running of the bulls, has taken a significant step to address the issue of overtourism. The local government has decided to halt the issuance of new licenses for tourist rental apartments in the historic center. This decision is part of a broader strategy aimed at preserving the residential character of the neighborhood and maintaining its commercial vitality. The regulation is described as a 'preventive urban modification' and reflects the city's commitment to promoting sustainable tourism practices. The move comes in response to growing public discontent, highlighted by a protest in February where residents expressed their concerns about the saturation of tourist flats in the area. Local authorities believe that limiting tourist accommodations will help safeguard the community's integrity and enhance the quality of life for residents. By prioritizing the needs of the local population over the demands of tourism, Pamplona aims to strike a balance between attracting visitors and preserving its unique cultural heritage. This initiative marks a significant shift in the city's approach to tourism management, as it seeks to create a more sustainable model that benefits both residents and visitors alike. The decision is expected to have lasting implications for the local economy and the overall tourism landscape in Pamplona.


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