Jul 23, 2024, 3:27 PM
Jul 23, 2024, 3:27 PM

Roofers Encounter Live Scorpion During Job at Plymouth Hospital

  • Roofers in Plymouth uncovered a scorpion inside a box of roof tiles imported from Brazil.
  • The unexpected finding raises concerns about the potential importation of exotic and potentially harmful creatures.
  • This incident emphasizes the importance of vigilant inspection of imported goods.

A team of roofers experienced a surprising moment on Monday when they discovered a live scorpion in a box of roof slates while working at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth. Jamie Cooke, the owner of Ocean City Roofing, reported that the box containing the scorpion originated from Brazil. The scorpion, measuring approximately 1cm (0.4in) in length, was found by Cooke's brother, Ben, as he was unloading slate tiles around 09:30 BST. The unexpected encounter led to an adrenaline-fueled reaction among the crew. Cooke described the moment as "exciting," noting that he felt a rush of adrenaline rather than fear upon seeing the creature. The team quickly took action, safely transferring the scorpion into another box to ensure its safety. After the discovery, the roofers transported the scorpion to Plymouth Reptiles, a local organization dedicated to rescuing exotic animals. The staff at Plymouth Reptiles assessed the scorpion and identified it as a non-deadly common European scorpion, despite the box's Brazilian origin. This finding raised questions about how the scorpion ended up in the slate shipment. The incident has sparked interest and excitement among the roofing team and the local community, highlighting the unexpected surprises that can occur in everyday work environments.


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