Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 11, 2024, 12:00 AM

Vance Campaign Accuses CNN of Bias in Coverage of Tim Walz's Military Record

  • Vance campaign accuses CNN of bias in reporting on Tim Walz.
  • Tense exchange between GOP vice president pick and CNN anchor Dana Bash.
  • Accusation of ignoring network's own reporting.

COLUMBUS, OH — The campaign for GOP vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance has publicly criticized CNN following a contentious interview between Vance and anchor Dana Bash regarding rival Tim Walz's military history. During the Sunday morning segment, Bash defended Walz, highlighting that he filed retirement paperwork prior to the National Guard's announcement of a deployment to Iraq. This has led to accusations that Walz retired from his commanding role to evade active duty in a war zone. Vance countered Bash's defense by referencing a CNN report from the previous evening, which indicated that Walz was aware of the impending deployment to Iraq as early as Fall 2004. He asserted that Walz's decision to retire was made with full knowledge of the situation, suggesting a deliberate attempt to avoid combat. The Vance campaign has since accused CNN of downplaying this information to protect Walz and the Democratic Party. Team Vance's National Press Secretary, Taylor Van Kirk, expressed frustration over what they perceive as media bias, stating that CNN's failure to acknowledge its own reporting reflects a broader trend of mainstream media shielding Democratic figures. The controversy has sparked significant online discussion, with the phrase “Not Being Tim Walz” trending on social media, where service members have shared images from their own combat experiences. The unfolding narrative highlights the ongoing tensions in the political landscape, particularly regarding military service and accountability among candidates.


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