Sep 10, 2024, 11:27 AM
Sep 8, 2024, 6:24 PM

Trooper shot in arm during shootout near Denver, gunman killed

  • Cpl. Tye Simcox was shot in the arm during a shootout while parked on U.S. 36 near Denver.
  • The gunman, who has not been identified, fired multiple shots at the trooper before being killed in return fire.
  • Authorities are investigating the motivations behind the attack, with officials expressing concern over the targeting of law enforcement.

On a Saturday afternoon, a Colorado State Patrol trooper was shot in the arm during a violent encounter on U.S. 36 near Denver. Cpl. Tye Simcox was parked in his vehicle when a passing driver opened fire on him multiple times with a semi-automatic pistol. The assailant, whose identity remains undisclosed, exited his vehicle and continued to shoot at the trooper's marked patrol car. In response, Simcox retrieved his rifle and returned fire, fatally wounding the gunman. Authorities have stated that the trooper was specifically targeted, which has raised concerns about the motivations behind the attack. Col. Matthew Packard, chief of the Colorado State Patrol, expressed shock at the incident, emphasizing that such targeted violence against law enforcement is unacceptable. The investigation into the gunman's motives is ongoing, as officials seek to understand why he chose to attack the trooper. Despite being injured, Simcox demonstrated quick thinking by applying a tourniquet to his arm while awaiting assistance from fellow officers. He was subsequently treated and released from the hospital, highlighting his resilience in the face of danger. The incident underscores the risks that law enforcement officers face daily while performing their duties. Packard concluded the news conference by reinforcing the idea that good ultimately prevails over evil, a sentiment that resonates deeply in the wake of such violent encounters. The successful response by Simcox serves as a reminder of the courage and dedication exhibited by law enforcement personnel in protecting the public.


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