Sep 3, 2024, 12:14 AM
Sep 3, 2024, 12:14 AM

South Korea faces deepfake crisis affecting hundreds of schools

  • Over 500 schools and universities in South Korea are affected by a deepfake crisis involving underage victims.
  • Victims have discovered manipulated images of themselves shared on Telegram, leading to widespread fear and social media withdrawals.
  • Activists are calling for stricter regulations on Telegram and better protection for victims as the crisis highlights systemic issues in addressing online misogyny.

In South Korea, a deepfake crisis has emerged, affecting over 500 schools and universities, with many victims being underage. University students have reported discovering manipulated images of themselves shared in chat groups on Telegram, where users employ AI technology to create fake pornographic content. This alarming trend has led to widespread fear among young women, prompting many to remove their photos from social media to avoid becoming targets. Authorities are considering an investigation into Telegram, following similar actions taken in France against the app's founder for enabling the sharing of child pornography. Women's rights activists have criticized the South Korean government for its slow response to the issue, arguing that the existing legal framework is inadequate to address the severity of the situation. Many offenders are teenagers, often receiving lenient sentences in youth courts, which raises concerns about accountability. The crisis has sparked protests and calls for stricter regulations on the app, as activists fear that the proliferation of deepfake technology will only worsen the exploitation of women. Victims have reported feeling discouraged by law enforcement, with some being told that pursuing their cases would be futile due to the challenges of identifying perpetrators. As the situation continues to unfold, the need for comprehensive measures to protect victims and hold offenders accountable has become increasingly urgent. The government’s commitment to addressing this crisis will be crucial in restoring trust and safety for young women in South Korea.


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