Aug 9, 2024, 3:52 PM
Aug 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

Texas Hospitals to Report Costs for Illegal Immigrants

  • Governor Abbott mandates Texas hospitals to inquire about patients' immigration status.
  • Hospitals are required to report the number of visits and costs incurred by illegal immigrants.
  • The new executive order aims to calculate the financial impact of providing healthcare to undocumented individuals.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has signed an executive order requiring hospitals to inquire about patients' immigration status, a move aimed at addressing what he describes as the financial burden of undocumented immigrants on the state's healthcare system. The order, effective November 1, mandates that hospitals track the costs associated with providing care to undocumented individuals and report this data to the Health and Human Services Commission by March 1, 2025. Abbott emphasized that patients will not be denied care based on their immigration status, as hospitals are legally obligated to provide life-saving treatment. In his announcement, Abbott criticized the Biden administration's border policies, claiming they have led to a significant increase in illegal crossings and subsequent healthcare costs for Texas. He stated, “Texans should NOT have to foot the bill for illegal immigrants' healthcare,” and expressed his intention to seek reimbursement from the federal government for these expenses. The executive order reflects Abbott's ongoing efforts to combat what he perceives as a crisis stemming from the Biden administration's immigration policies. The order comes amid rising tensions over immigration, with Abbott previously taking measures such as busing migrants to Democratic-led sanctuary cities. Reports indicate that Texas hospitals face substantial financial strain due to the care provided to undocumented immigrants, with estimates suggesting costs could reach up to $717 million annually for public hospital districts. As the situation evolves, Abbott's administration aims to gather data that could support claims for federal reimbursement, while continuing to provide necessary medical care to all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.


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