Jul 31, 2024, 11:39 PM
Jul 31, 2024, 11:39 PM

Outrage as Senate Panel Advances Manchin-Barrasso Permitting Bill

  • Senate panel advances Joe Manchin's Energy Permitting Reform Act despite opposition from green groups.
  • The bill triggers outrage among environmentalists due to its impact on energy permitting regulations.
  • The advancement of the bill raises concerns over the future of energy policies in the US.

A bipartisan energy permitting reform bill, dubbed the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024, has advanced in the U.S. Senate despite significant opposition from environmental groups. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved the bill with a 15-4 vote, with proponents arguing it will enhance American energy security by streamlining the permitting process for various energy and mineral projects. Critics, however, label it as a substantial concession to the fossil fuel industry, potentially undermining climate initiatives. Environmental advocates, including over 360 organizations, have voiced strong objections, asserting that the bill includes numerous provisions that favor fossil fuel interests at the expense of environmental protections. Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, emphasized that the legislation could jeopardize public health and environmental safeguards while facilitating extensive oil and gas leasing on public lands. The coalition of groups has urged senators to reject the bill and instead pursue genuine solutions for a clean energy economy. While some lawmakers acknowledge beneficial aspects of the bill, such as provisions for geothermal energy and hardrock mining cleanup, they remain critical of its overall impact. Senator Ron Wyden expressed disappointment over the committee's decision to advance what he termed a "blatant, dirty deal" favoring fossil fuels. Opposition figures, including Senators Bernie Sanders and Mazie Hirono, have been commended for their dissenting votes against the bill. The legislation, championed by Senator Joe Manchin, has sparked a heated debate over the balance between energy development and environmental stewardship, with advocates warning of its long-term consequences for climate action and community health.


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