Sep 16, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 16, 2024, 12:00 AM

Israeli annexation of West Bank: a current reality for all

  • The Israeli military has intensified operations in the West Bank, conducting large-scale raids on Palestinian towns.
  • Armed settlers have attacked Palestinian communities, with little intervention from Israeli security forces.
  • The ongoing violence reflects a long-term strategy by Israel to establish control over the West Bank, leading to a one-state reality.

The situation in the West Bank has escalated significantly, with the Israeli military conducting extensive raids on Palestinian towns using both drones and ground forces. This surge in violence has seen armed settlers attacking Palestinian communities, particularly in the town of Jit, while Israeli security forces have largely ignored these incidents. As a result, many Palestinian communities are facing displacement and a growing sense of insecurity. This recent wave of violence is not an isolated incident but rather a continuation of Israel's long-standing strategy to assert control over the West Bank. The international community, particularly Western nations, has been criticized for downplaying or overlooking the implications of Israel's actions, which have been described as a creeping annexation of Palestinian territories. The Palestinian Authority, while managing certain limited aspects of life in fragmented areas, remains under the overarching authority of Israel, which governs the major aspects of life in the region. This reality has led to a one-state situation where both Israelis and Palestinians coexist under a single regime, complicating the prospects for peace and stability. The rise of far-right elements within the Israeli government, such as Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, has further exacerbated tensions, as their policies and rhetoric contribute to the ongoing violence and instability. The international community's failure to effectively address these issues raises concerns about the future of both Israeli and Palestinian populations in the region.


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