Sep 16, 2024, 5:00 PM
Sep 16, 2024, 5:00 PM

Former journalist convicted of terrorism for plotting against LGBT group

  • Alan Edward, a former journalist, was found guilty of plotting an attack against an LGBT group.
  • He possessed an arsenal of weapons and had a significant online following, where he expressed neo-Nazi views.
  • His conviction highlights the dangers of far-right extremism and the need for vigilance against hate and terrorism.

Alan Edward, a 54-year-old former journalist, was found guilty of terrorism-related charges after plotting an attack against an LGBT group. The High Court in Stirling revealed that Edward had amassed a significant arsenal of weapons at his home and had a substantial online following, with nearly 28,000 social media followers. His online activities included glorifying Adolf Hitler and expressing support for a far-right terrorist group, which he invited his audience to join. Evidence presented in court highlighted Edward's extremist views, including a document on his computer that referred to the Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik as 'Saint Anders.' His rhetoric included disturbing statements, such as suggesting that violence was an effective means to gain attention, exemplified by his comment that 'the quickest way to someone’s heart is with a high-power 7.62mm round.' The case underscores the growing concern over the rise of far-right extremism and the potential for individuals to act on violent ideologies. Edward's actions and beliefs reflect a dangerous mindset that not only promotes hate but also incites violence against marginalized communities. As a result of his conviction, Edward faces a lengthy prison sentence, serving as a warning against the normalization of extremist views in society. The case has drawn attention to the need for vigilance in monitoring and countering hate speech and terrorism, particularly in the context of online platforms that can amplify such dangerous ideologies.


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