Aug 23, 2024, 5:38 PM
Aug 23, 2024, 5:38 PM

Gaza Protests at DNC Ignored

  • Protests for Gaza were sidelined at the DNC as little mention of Gaza was made in the convention hall.
  • However, protesters in Chicago took to the streets to highlight the issue of Palestine.
  • The disparity in coverage showcased the divide in attention towards the Gaza protests.

As Vice President Kamala Harris officially accepted the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Thursday, thousands of demonstrators gathered nearby, calling for an embargo on U.S. arms shipments to Israel and an end to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The protests, which included a diverse coalition of Palestinian and Jewish activists, highlighted a growing discontent among voters regarding the Democratic Party's stance on Palestine, overshadowing the convention's intended focus on party unity and the upcoming election. The march, characterized by a mix of joy, anger, and grief, was a culmination of a week of protests in downtown Chicago. Activists expressed their frustration with the Democratic Party's reluctance to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, emphasizing that their votes can no longer be taken for granted. Inan, a Palestinian woman participating in the march, articulated the sentiment that Democratic leaders must acknowledge the urgent issues facing marginalized communities, rather than solely focusing on party loyalty. The protests also underscored the intersectionality of various social justice movements, with activists advocating for reproductive freedom and racial justice joining forces. Jasmine Smith, an organizer with the Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, condemned the Democratic Party for its complicity in both the violence in Gaza and the systemic over-policing of Black communities in Chicago. As the marchers moved past the convention, a heavy police presence created a barrier between the demonstrators and the event, symbolizing the ongoing struggle for accountability and justice within the city, which is predominantly governed by Democrats.


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