Sep 9, 2024, 3:39 PM
Sep 9, 2024, 3:39 PM

'Epidurals can cut the risk of heart attack and sepsis in new mums'

  • Research from Bristol and Glasgow universities shows that epidurals significantly reduce severe maternal morbidity in new mothers.
  • The study found that 35% of women who received an epidural experienced a decrease in complications, with higher reductions for those with medical indications.
  • The findings highlight the need for improved access to epidurals for vulnerable women to ensure safer childbirth experiences.

Epidurals, initially limited in availability, have shown significant benefits for maternal health during childbirth. Recent research from the universities of Bristol and Glasgow indicates that women who receive epidural analgesia during labor experience a marked reduction in severe maternal morbidity (SMM) in the weeks following delivery. The study analyzed data from over 125,000 women, revealing that 35% of those who had an epidural saw a decrease in SMM, with even greater reductions among those with medical indications or preterm deliveries. The findings suggest that closer monitoring, reduced stress during labor, and quicker access to necessary interventions contribute to the improved outcomes associated with epidurals. Despite the advantages, only 24.6% of women at higher risk of SMM received an epidural, highlighting a gap in access to this beneficial pain management option. The researchers advocate for broader access to epidurals, particularly for vulnerable populations, including those with obesity, underlying health conditions, or multiple pregnancies. Professor Rachel Kearns, the lead author of the study, emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all women, especially those at higher risk, have access to epidural analgesia. By increasing awareness and availability, the research aims to significantly reduce the risk of serious health complications during childbirth. This could lead to safer childbirth experiences and improved maternal health outcomes across the board. Overall, the study underscores the need for healthcare systems to prioritize the provision of epidurals, as they play a crucial role in enhancing maternal safety and reducing the incidence of severe complications during and after childbirth.


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