Aug 23, 2024, 1:51 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 1:51 AM

Labour Leader Starmer Commits to Brexit and Tax Pledges

  • Labour leader Keir Starmer pledges not to reverse Brexit, raise major taxes, or reintroduce free movement from the EU.
  • The commitment aims to restore trust among voters in Labour's policies and promises.
  • Starmer's emphasis on honoring pledges sets the tone for the party's stance on key issues.

In the lead-up to the election, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and his front bench team emphasized their commitment to not reversing Brexit, increasing major taxes, or reinstating free movement from the EU. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves explicitly stated there would be "no additional tax rises" beyond specific measures like imposing VAT on private school fees and closing loopholes for non-domiciled taxpayers. However, recent comments from Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones suggest that the party may reconsider its stance on tax increases due to higher-than-expected government borrowing. Jones acknowledged the need for tax measures in the upcoming Budget while maintaining the party's promise not to raise income tax, National Insurance, or VAT. Despite Labour's previous assurances against rejoining the EU or restoring free movement, there are indications that the party may be open to adjustments in visa rules to improve relations with the EU. This shift could potentially lead to a limited form of free movement for individuals under 30, raising concerns about a slippery slope towards full freedom of movement. The prospect of temporary free movement has sparked fears among voters, who are increasingly concerned about mass immigration. Critics argue that this could lead to a gradual erosion of the party's commitments and a return to "ever-closer union" with the EU. Starmer's leadership campaign in 2020 highlighted his desire to facilitate European migration, emphasizing the need to restore trust in his government while navigating these contentious issues.


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