Aug 15, 2024, 12:34 PM
Aug 15, 2024, 12:34 PM

Monroeville Community Center Expands Wellness Services

  • Reclamation Community Center in Monroeville is expanding access to wellness services.
  • The new center will offer a variety of resources in Allegheny County.
  • Residents in Monroeville will have increased options for wellness services.

Monroeville has inaugurated the Reclamation Community Center, a new facility aimed at expanding access to wellness and social services for residents. The center serves as a comprehensive hub, offering various resources designed to support individuals in improving their lives. The official opening was marked by a ribbon-cutting ceremony held on Thursday morning, signaling the start of its operations. Among the key services available at the center is a food pantry, which has already made a significant impact on the community. Local resident Michelle Synan shared her personal experience, highlighting how the pantry has been a lifeline during difficult times, particularly after the loss of her mother. "It brought tears to my eyes, especially at Thanksgiving time," she recalled, emphasizing the importance of the center in her life and the lives of others in need. In addition to the food pantry, the Reclamation Community Center features a healthcare clinic for uninsured individuals, a recovery program for those facing pain or addiction, and a diaper and book bank. Future plans include the establishment of the Haven Childcare Center, which will provide daycare, preschool, and hybrid homeschool options for children up to five years old, as well as community events like a veteran coffee meet-up and athletic programs. Synan expressed her gratitude for the center, stating, "I don't know what I would do without it honestly." Her commitment to volunteering reflects the center's mission to foster a supportive community, ensuring that essential services are accessible to all.


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