Sep 3, 2024, 6:04 PM
Sep 2, 2024, 12:52 PM

Man dies in Manchester after GP ignores email for three days

  • Allan Hamilton emailed his GP for help on November 14, 2022, but his message was ignored for three days.
  • He was found dead at home on November 19, with pneumonia and heart disease identified as causes.
  • The coroner's report highlighted the need for improved email tracking and triage systems in GP surgeries to prevent future deaths.

Allan Hamilton, a resident of Manchester, faced breathing difficulties and reached out for help via email on November 14, after being advised against calling his GP surgery. Unfortunately, his email went unanswered for three days, leading to his tragic death at home on November 19, attributed to pneumonia and heart disease. The inquest revealed that the GP surgery, operated by SSP Health, had transitioned to an electronic communication system that lacked proper tracking and prioritization of patient emails. This failure in the system meant that Hamilton's urgent request for assistance was overlooked. Senior coroner Alison Mutch expressed that his death was preventable and highlighted the need for a more effective communication process within GP surgeries. She issued a 'Prevention of Future Deaths Report' to the Department of Health, emphasizing the necessity for a robust system to manage patient queries. The report called for clear audit trails and effective triage by qualified medical personnel to ensure patient safety. This incident has raised broader concerns about the shift to online consultations in healthcare, as previous investigations have indicated potential risks associated with such systems. The Department of Health and SSP Health have been given 56 days to respond to the coroner's recommendations, underscoring the urgency for reforms in patient communication protocols to prevent similar tragedies in the future.


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